Aquarius Season Is a Time for Strange Realizations. What to Expect Based on Your Sign (2024)

Welcome, Earth dwellers, to Aquarius Season!

Aquarians are unique and perplexing individuals. Supremely unbothered by people who don’t understand them, Aquarians rarely make the effort to help anybody understand their mysterious ways. But while they may be an odd and bizarre people, the frequent descriptor of “weird” can be a little misleading, making others think their actions are random and unpredictable. In reality, every Aquarian operates on a regular system of logic, but here’s the catch: these structures are entirely unique to each Aquarius. None of them remotely resemble one another in the slightest! Thus, the common comparison between Aquarians and space aliens is a little more apt than just calling them “weird.” When you meet any Aquarius out of the millions currently visiting our planet, it’s like encountering a whole new culture: You don’t know the language or the customs, and you may never be able to communicate meaningfully unless they decide you are worthy of enlightenment.

At times, Aquarians don’t fully understand themselves, but again, this does not outwardly trouble their mood. They are anthropologists of their own psyches, logging information as they investigate new circ*mstances. Aquarians tend to present somewhat scientifically in social situations. While they have feelings, obviously, the absurdity inherent to all interpersonal interaction allows most Aquarians to keep themselves aloof from immediate reactions and emotional outbursts.

This season, all of us would do well to adopt a more detached, investigative attitude as we navigate drastic changes. Try to avoid making assumptions about anyone else while remaining curious and nonjudgmental about your own mental processes. To find out more about what Aquarius Season 2024 has in store for you, keep reading below.

Click here to jump to a sign: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn.


What the stars are up to:

  • Pluto moves into your sign, which means major long-term change is afoot.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus abandons retrograde and turns direct! It’s time to let your freak flag fly.
  • You rethink previous ambition when the Sun squares against Jupiter and Uranus. This is a time for healing and redirection with sextile assistance from Chiron and the North Node. Mercury backs these patterns up with talk.
  • Starting on Valentine’s Day, your romantic relationships undergo enormous upheaval when Mars and Venus pass through conjunction with Pluto.

What it means:

Ooh, this is a fun one! Everything is about to shift immensely, but not yet beyond recognition. That moment is still coming! Pluto is a heavy, horny goth influence: You might romance a ghost, or wake up writhing on a grave, Saltburn-style. You might even try black lipstick, and strike up friendships with multiple Scorpios! You’ll definitely explore the heaviest, hornie*st bits of your own goth soul in private. This Valentine’s Day is off the chart for never-thought-of-it-before sexual potential, with no thoughts of emotional desire until a few days later. Perhaps that’s why you can let go so freely in a temporary fit of passion, because there’s no fear of it lasting… until, eventually, feelings do stick around and you can’t shake them off? Oh no, the Plutonian influence is really getting to you! Don’t worry, your new Scorpio friends will sit quietly in the dark to comfort you in the aftermath of Mars’ and Venus’s throbbing, heaving conjunctions with Pluto in your sign.


What the stars are up to:

  • Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the First Quarter Moon are friendly with your ruler Neptune in your sign. Your intuition is strong.

What it means:

You’re not surfing one long, smooth wave this season, but instead riding a series of repeated swells. Happily, the rhythm is steady. You’re about to catch four solid boosts of fair fortune, and you need to navigate each one carefully before your coming time with the Sun. As Pluto sweeps into Aquarius, life is about to become instantly different for everyone, and sometimes you find it hard to appropriately apportion your empathy. Focus on your own psychic balance first to avoid getting overwhelmed. Your forecast for the season is nice! Don’t fret about a friend just yet and keep your own head above the surf.


What the stars are up to:

  • The Sun and Mercury are friendly with Chiron and the North Node in your sign. Healing and progress are go.
  • Your sign ruler Mars argues with the representatives of recovery and forward movement from Capricorn, then moves to Aquarius and loves up to Pluto on Valentine’s Day. Your romantic life will undergo a metamorphosis.

What it means:

Change is the theme this season! A rare Pluto relocation ordains it, with Mars swooping in to offer enthusiastic approval. Don’t stress yourself out about it, though; “change” doesn’t always mean “commit,” or “break up,” or “run off into the wilderness and never be seen or heard from again.” It could, but, why not simply pay a crumb of attention to what’s happening inside your own brain instead? The smallest adjustment in self-perception can make a whole world of difference, and maybe you could use a re-imagined mindset.


What the stars are up to:

  • Uranus turns direct in your sign! You’ll let the thin veil of normalcy masking your true weirdness fall forgotten at your feet.
  • You never asked to beef with Aquarius, but here we are: The Sun and Mercury are mad at Jupiter and Uranus in your sign. Everybody’s irked about fresh realizations, just in time for epiphany season!
  • You might imagine that your ruler Venus’s move to Capricorn would result in pragmatism, but desire gets expansively selfish in defiance of healing and growth.

What it means:

Aquarians aren’t bothered when other people don’t understand them. On the other hand, you prefer to be clearly comprehended when possible, but you still don’t have trouble sleeping when people are mad at you. This season, you’ll stubbornly cradle newly direct Uranus while every occupant of its own patron sign is mad at you, and you won’t even feel a tinge of nervousness. Nobody can intimidate you in your own house.


What the stars are up to:

  • Big changes lurk on the inside. Your sign ruler Mercury invokes a rush of aggression, then rejects outward expansion to focus on healing and the future by seriously paying attention to the past.

What it means:

You’ve mastered the art of unpredictability. In fact, you’re able to surprise even yourself. But Aquarius Season calls for something truly bizarre and different from your norm. You’re practiced at unleashing fury, and even holding onto anger in preparation to power you in future conflicts. This time, what if you turned around and looked backward to research the source of the rage? You’ve got little to lose. All of your more pressing bad ideas will still be there when and if you decide to entertain them, later, and besides! What if the source of your upset feelings turns out to be some puny little creature, defensively inflating itself and tricking you in order to make your reaction seem larger than warranted? In that case, you could just soothe it to sleep, and keep frolicking along in search of another monster to tame.


What the stars are up to:

  • This season, the Full Moon is in Leo, followed by a New Moon in Aquarius. When the moon is bright, you’ll show out, then you’ll get even stranger than usual.
  • The Last and First Quarter phases of your sign ruler the Moon are in Scorpio and Taurus. This is a decidedly psychosexual month for you!
  • The Moon is farthest from the Earth on January 29, and closest to Earth on February 10.

What it means:

“Odd” isn’t so strange to a Cancer, and “bold” is quite familiar, but you usually prefer to make interpersonal maneuvers without creating a massive splash. Not this season, baby! It’s time to surprise everybody with the ol’ razzle dazzle! The Full Moon in Leo is loud, and there’s no reason that you shouldn’t be the same. Afterward, there’s plenty of recovery time until the next water season; you can cuddle in close to yourself as February draws on. You’ll feel far away and invincible at the end of January, but you’ll melt into a gooey puddle by Valentine’s Day.


What the stars are up to:

  • It’s your sibling sign Aquarius’s season! You host the Full Moon on January 25, a day of huge feelings.
  • Your ruler the Sun squares in disagreement against Jupiter and Uranus, but gladly gets sextile with Chiron and the North Node. This season, healing takes priority over expansion and innovation.

What it means:

As the Sun beams opposite your position in the zodiac wheel, you take this moment to turn your gaze inward. To resolve this chapter in your narrative, you require a look back, so you can make make peace with your own history. Even though you’re not trying to shine your brightest, you can’t help being a star. You’re likely to win a “best supporting” award or two in guest roles on other people’s shows this season.


What the stars are up to:

  • Lilith remains in your sign. There is no barrier between your shadow side and your regular self.
  • You’re in for a significant shift. Your sign ruler Mercury is aggressive and defiant, but then shuns external connection in favor of delving deeply inward.

What it means:

You’re keyed up and ready to fight! Lilith makes every small disagreement feel like a high-stakes bout. You’re mostly just trying to defend your positions, but emotions rise quickly and you can easily find yourself preemptively lashing out at other people. After a particularly vicious verbal spat, you finally tire of feuding for a time. You crave a major change in life, and that calls for a serious examination of your own goals and their undergirding motives.


What the stars are up to:

  • Mars fights with the South Node in your sign, and your sense of motivation understandably rebels at feeling held back by your past.
  • Your ruler Venus despises the South Node on the same day the Sun loves the South Node. You’re in for a whiplash-inducing turn from impossible longing to sudden self-acceptance.
  • Shortly after Valentine’s Day, Mercury helps you talk it all out.

What it means:

In the early weeks of Aquarius Season, every obstacle seems insurmountable. Why should you even bother, it feels, when the burden of your history is too heavy to lift? You’re dismayed by the labor required to budge your life just a few inches forward. Fear not! Most of the work will be accomplished simply by meditating on your problems. Just when you’re utterly sick of trying, you’ll break through with a critical discovery in self-understanding, and then you’ll be able to effectively articulate your needs.


What the stars are up to:

  • Your ruler Pluto moves to Aquarius, then forms conjunctions from Mercury, Mars, and Venus. The amount and intensity of change you will undergo this season cannot be overstated.

What it means:

This is a big season for Scorpio. Like your sign ruler Pluto, you prefer to settle into a situation, then stay there for a long, long time. It can take a decade just to get yourself adjusted comfortably, and only then can you feel as if you’re functioning properly in your “new” environment. At the same time, you yearn for obvious evidence of development. Now, it’s time for major, ice-shattering upheaval — a series of alterations that will plunge you into whole new waters. Secretly, you fear that you might freeze, but don’t worry. You’ll never sink! You always instinctively remember how to swim.


What the stars are up to:

  • Venus moves from your sign to Capricorn. Early in the season, Venus gets friendly with your sign ruler Jupiter.
  • The Sun and Mercury start scuffles with Jupiter, sparking off re-examination of self and resistance to communication.

What it means:

You waltz into February as usual, cheerfully flirting with every breathing being you encounter. But then, probably because you are generally so happy-go-lucky, relatively minor problems begin to weigh heavy on your soul. Give yourself generous time to mope in order to dissolve the issues back into your typically unconcerned psyche. You’re not a court jester, and no one’s paying you to entertain your social groups. You can skip a party or two if you want, and the world will keep turning.


What the stars are up to:

  • You did it! You can relax! You are finished hosting the Sun until the end of 2024!
  • Or not. You’ve still got Mercury and Mars until mid-February, and they’re teaming up to act up. Cancel that rest period. You’re at serious risk to behave uncharacteristically foolishly.
  • Then Venus swings into your sign and goes nuts. No healing, no consideration for past or future, and yes to creative expression of selfishness. The planet of desire decrees it.

What it means:

Wow, you’re scheduled to go wild! The influences visiting your sign are sick and tired of sedate responsibility, and instead urge you to behave abnormally. You could stuff the impulse away and soldier on dependably, but that approach might lead to glitches in your essential operating systems. It may sound a little strange to plan ahead for selfish behavior, but that’s exactly what you need to do here. Indulge yourself and let off some steam before you blow a gasket and careen off course destructively.

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Aquarius Season Is a Time for Strange Realizations. What to Expect Based on Your Sign (2024)


What to expect in Aquarius season? ›

During Aquarius season, you tire of convention, the usual ways of doing things. If you feel an urge to press beyond the edges of what's easy or “normal” or routine, heed it. This is an opportunity to cast off the opinions of your neighbors, co-workers, or Instagram followers.

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Aquarian Characteristics That Will Guide The New Age

Aquarian traits like innovation and hope will dominate this new age. Aquarian energy fills us with inspiration and confidence for a new beginning as we are pressed to make shifts in our approach to living life.

What signs should Aquarius stay away from? ›

Aquarius doesn't really understand water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) or earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) so they get along with them the least, according to Marmanides. These signs have different values from Aquarius and different methods of mental processing that make it hard for them to see eye-to-eye.

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Aquarius Career Horoscope This Year:

When it comes to career advancement, Aquarius, 2024 seems like a prosperous year. You're on the track to exceptional professional growth and some even predict significant promotional opportunities. Trust your skills, nurture your ideas, and remember, risks taken are rewards earned.

Who is Aquarius soulmate? ›

Aquarius' most compatible soulmates include fellow air signs Gemini and Libra. Both signs match Aquarius' open-mindedness and intellectual nature. Fire signs Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries are also extremely compatible with Aquarius. Their bold, adventurous nature is sure to capture Aquarius' heart.

What can Aquarius expect in 2024? ›

Aquarius, welcome to your 2024 horoscope. This year is about striking a balance in various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to career ambitions and self-care. The year begins with your ruling planet, Uranus, going direct on Saturday, January 27.

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The clock strikes 2024 with not just with a bliss for the New Year, but a cosmic curtain calls for the twinkling of the stars, unveiling a mystical scene in the Hallmarks for the Age of Aquarius.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Innovative, progressive, and shamelessly revolutionary, Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Accordingly, Aquarius is the most humanitarian astrological sign.

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Aquarius season starts on January 20, 2024 and ends February 18, 2024.

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Who Are Aquarius Compatible With? A Complete Chart
Sign PairingOverall CompatibilityLove
8 more rows

What signs do Aquarius not like? ›

If you were born between January 20 and February 18, your zodiac sign is Aquarius — which means you'll gel with air signs Gemini and Libra and struggle with Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio; Aquarius-Aquarius love is something of a mystery as well.

What are Aquarius worst enemies? ›

You can look at the signs that are relatively antagonistic toward Aquarius, that is, the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio), and you will find principles and attitudes there that conflict with the Aquarian concerns with egalitarianism, ideals, innovation, and “live and let live,” but this does not need to result in ...

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The year 2024 will bring auspicious results for Aquarius natives. Jupiter in the third house will highlight their special knowledge.

Are Aquarius very giving? ›

Giving back, whether through humanitarianism or charitable works, is important to the water-bearer. Aquariuses tend to use their energy not only to refill their own cups but others', too. Generous and kind, Aquarius sees the potential in people and in communities.

When an Aquarius is over it? ›

You'll be ignored or just completely ghosted. It's normal for Aquarius people to act aloof and detached for a few days every once in a while but if you've turned him off in someway he'll make it very clear that he's not into you anymore. If you have to ask then this is most likely what's happening.

What is Aquarius most likely to do? ›

Aquarians are highly intellectual and creative, Walker says. Marked by independence, they don't like to be instructed what to do. While they can be social, they are not likely to participate in social interactions unless they truly want to. Aquarians are ideas people, never suffering a drought of inspiration.

How do you embrace Aquarius season? ›

A small, but powerful, way to engage with the energy of Aquarius season is to present ourselves with intuition and spontaneity. This may look like choosing outfits in the morning, giving ourselves permission to change clothes midday, or dyeing our hair a new color.

What do Aquarius tend to do? ›

Aquarians are clever, analytical, technical, truthful, assertive, confident, progressive and innovative. They like to solve problems, improve what's already working well, and push boundaries. They are activists, campaigners and progressors of the causes they think will make a difference to the world.

What is the yoga for Aquarius season? ›

To embody Aquarius in our yoga practice, you'll move dynamically in and out of poses, finding fluidity in your movement between classic poses. This helps you look at things from a different perspective and breaking free from repeated patterns or samskaras. You'll also practice heart-centered and backbending poses.

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.