Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (2024)

Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (2)

Happy 30th birthday wishes: Turning thirty is a confusing juncture of life. It can be dreadful enough to make people feel that they are finally not young any more. At the same time, it can motivate people to start living their lives the fullest. This is where all the inspirational quotes, sarcasm, funny messages and jokes come in. Whether it is for your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, colleague, friend or a loved one — say Happy Birthday with a special message that celebrates this baffling life phase. From a sweet note that shows life’s brighter side to cute ones that poke fun at the age factor — do your bit to bring a smile on the newest thirty year old on the block.


Hello! Friends, we all know happy 30th birthday is a little disappointing. We start feeling dragged towards our old age. We get sad as it’s a finish line of youth age. But guys, getting into 30’s is not that disappointing, it has many good aspects too! Wish any of your 30th reaching friend ” Happy 30th Birthday” by sharing your thoughts, ideas & experiences. Following messages and quotes will definitely help you to word your ideas of wishing. Choose any of the quotes & pics and share with your buddies, and show them the beautiful phase of life after thirty!


1) Stop worrying about what’s gone by. Start celebrating what lies ahead. Happy 30th birthday.

2) Stop worrying about your age. There will be many other problems to worry about in life after you turn thirty. Happy birthday.

3) Nothing changes when you cross thirty except that you have to replace your moisturizer with an anti-aging cream. Happy 30th birthday.

4) Thirty is the time to really start living your life to the fullest, so that by the time you are old you would have experienced life’s best. Happy 30th.

5) Being thirty is when you can be an adult in the world of youngsters who are in their teens and twenties, and a youngster in the world of adults who are in their forties and fifties. Enjoy the best of both worlds. Enjoy, happy birthday.

Birthday wishes for girlfriend

6) You might think that turning 30 means your life will be cold now that you’re old. Cheer up, these are the best years ever, or so I’ve been told!

7) Did you hear 30 is the new 16? No? Neither did I! Hehe! Happy 30th Birthday dear. You’re still awesome.Happy 30th birthday

8) To me, you’re still a wide-eyed kid — with three decades of hard knocks and easy pickings to call yourself 30. Happy 30th birthday!

9) I gotta feeling…woohoo…that tonight’s gonna be a good night! 30th birthdays don’t come everyday, so make it a day that will go down in history. Have a blast. Happy Birthday!

Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (3)

10) One of the most inspirational ways to usher in your 30th is to face one of your fears and do something that takes away your breath. Happy birthday.

11) 30 is just a number that follows 29 and precedes 31. There’s nothing wrong with it. Happy 30th birthday!

Birthday wishes for lover

12) The best part about being thirty is that there are no uncertainties in life. You are sure that it’s all going to go downhill from here. Happy 30th birthday.

13) When you were twenty, you felt like growing up and becoming thirty. When you will be forty, you will wish you could go back to being thirty. So to conclude, being thirty is just perfect. Happy birthday.

114) Congratulations for turning thirty. From here on, life is less about knowing how old you are and more about believing how young you feel. Happy birthday.

15) At thirteen, you were officially a teenager. At twenty one, you were officially an adult. But at thirty, you are unofficially old. Happy 30th birthday.

16) Life is too short to be lived counting the years. Just enjoy the ride and make awesome memories. Happy birthday.

17) There is one thing worth looking forward to when you turn thirty — you are almost halfway to retirement benefits. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday friend

18) The secret of being happy in your thirties is quite simple — take each day as it comes. Happy birthday.

19) Your body may have turned thirty today but the way you look like a hot twenty one year old suggests that your beauty will never be able to catch up with your age. Happy 30th birthday.

20) The countdown to your midlife crisis has just begun. Tick tock tick tock. Happy 30th birthday.

21) Live life doing what YOU love, not what impresses others. Happy birthday.

22) Farewell to your youth — it was good while it lasted. Happy 30th.

23) Turning thirty is life’s way of telling you that the most beautiful phase of your life has just begun. Happy 30th birthday.

24) If you weren’t my best friend, I would tell you how dreadful it is to turn thirty. But since you are, I don’t want to spoil the party. Happy birthday.

25) Turning thirty gives you the perfect bird’s eye view of your life. You know exactly what mistakes you made in the past and exactly how to correct them in the future. Happy 30th birthday.

26) It doesn’t matter how you have lived your life so far. What matters is how you are going to live it from now on. Happy 30th birthday.

Birthday wishes for father

27) Congratulations on finally having 30 excuses to make the younger people do the heavy lifting for you. Happy birthday.

28) That small wrinkle on the face is in the right place as you celebrate the beginning of life’s race. Happy 30th Birthday!

29) Time to call in for the strippers, time to turn on the music, time to bring in the cakes and delicacies and time to make it a hell of a day. It is your 30, time to make it grand! Get wicked this birthday. Have a blast!


Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (4)

30) When you turn 21 you finally experience the freedom of full throttle. If you make it to 30, it means you’ve discovered there’s a brake pedal too. Hahaha…Happy birthday!

31) Twenty, thirty or forty — how does it matter? As long as you have a positive attitude, life will always keep getting better. Happy 30th birthday.

First Birthday wishes

32) The best part about being thirty is that there are no uncertainties in life. You are sure that it’s all going to go downhill from here. Happy 30th birthday

33) A brand new decade awaits you. What more could you ask for? Maybe 10 years off your age? Happy 30th birthday!

34) 30th Birthdays are always special because they help you see how far you’ve come and how far you still have to go. Have a great 30th Birthday.

Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (5)

35) Life is too short to be lived counting the years. Just enjoy the ride and make awesome memories. Happy birthday.

36) At thirty, you are not too young nor too old. Make the most of this delightfully confused stage of life before you finally get older and weaker. Happy 30th birthday.

37) At 30, you suddenly become more mature, more responsible, more self-disciplined, more reliable, more grown-up just like your parents. Happy 30th birthday!

38) If you start noticing that you’ve begun saying the same things that your parents did when you were young, you’ve truly reached 30. Haha! Happy 30th Birthday. Wishing you many joyous years ahead.

39) At 30, it’s time to start acting your age. Na! Let’s party until we can’t remember how old we are. Happy 30th birthday!

Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (6)

40) The secret of being happy in your thirties is quite simple — take each day as it comes. Happy birthday.

Birthday wishes for boss

41) At 30, if you haven’t figured out what to do with the rest of your life, you’re on the right track! Happy 30th Birthday. Wishing you wisdom for the rest of your life!

42) On your 30th, I want to convey my best wishes and I hope that the best job, best promotion, best holiday and best home in your life are yet come. Happy 30th birthday.

43) Turning thirty is like driving down the freeway and seeing a welcome sign to the rest of your life. Enjoy your special day!Happy 30th birthday

44) May you be blessed with more style, charm, panache, confidence and personality on your 30th Birthday. After all, 30 is the new 20 these days! Happy 30th Birthday.


Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (7)

45) You are at that juncture when the experience of your past and the ambition for your future will help you make all the right decisions in your life. Happy 30th birthday.

46) Turning thirty years old is a milestone that gives you a second chance to enjoy life while you still can. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday poems

47) Going to your 30th birthday party is like attending the farewell party of your youth and the welcome party of the beginning of the rest of your life. Happy 30th birthday.

48) At thirty, you are not too young nor too old. Make the most of this delightfully confused stage of life before you finally get older and weaker. Happy 30th birthday.

49) If you can’t blow up all your birthday balloons without gasping for air, good luck getting older. Happy 30th birthday.

50) The death of your youth deserves a colorful mourning. Happy 30th birthday

51) Who said you have become wise at thirty? You were already wise at twenty five but I was waiting for the right time to tell you. Happy birthday.

52)On your 30th, I want to convey my best wishes and I hope that the best job, best promotion, best holiday and best home in your life are yet come. Happy 30th birthday.

53) Your energy levels and your zest for life make me feel that you are the youngest thirty year old I have ever met. Happy birthday.

54) It does not matter whether you are thirty, thirty five or forty years old. What matters is that you are still a rebellious teenager at heart. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday wishes

55) Don’t let turning thirty give you the jitters — live life to the fullest to give your heart the sweetest flutters. Happy 30th birthday.

56) Congratulations for turning thirty. From here on, life is less about knowing how old you are and more about believing how young you feel. Happy birthday.

57) Live life doing what YOU love, not what impresses others. Happy birthday.

58) You’re 30 and, gasp, unmarried, so you may feel like you’ve been left out in the cold. Don’t. Things are just starting to heat up. The 30s are going to be your hottest years. Happy 30th birthday.

Birthday wishes for friends

59) At thirty, there may be many things that cross your mind. Many being old and new. Many still to capture few. Leave it all and enjoy your special day. So wishing you a happy 30th birthday!


Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (8)

60) From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you the best and most special birthday you have ever had. I hope this brand new decade will be a thousand times better than the previous one! Happy 30th!

61) Kids drink wine to get drunk. Old people drink it to prevent heart disease. People your age drink wine to enjoy it, so congratulations on finally enjoying the finer things in life. Happy 30th.

62) Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty.Happy birthday!

63) Farewell to your youth — it was good while it lasted. Happy 30th.

64) At thirteen, you were officially a teenager. At twenty-one, you were officially an adult. But at thirty, you are unofficially old. Happy 30th birthday.


Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (9)

65) May God bless you on this very special day. I wish you good health, positivity and lots of love. Happy 30th birthday!

66) You’re so spirited and youthful, you might be the youngest 30-year-old I know! Happy birthday.

67) You’re just an 18-year-old with 12 years of experience. Happy 30th birthday!

68) Life before thirty is for making mistakes and life after thirty is to repent for all of them. Happy birthday.

69) Look back on regrets and laugh them off, look forward to your dreams and pursue them with all your heart. Happy birthday.

70) I can’t believe it took you thirty years to grow up. Better late than never though. Happy 30th birthday.

71) Being thirty is when you can be an adult in the world of youngsters who are in their teens and twenties, and a youngster in the world of adults who are in their forties and fifties. Enjoy the best of both worlds. Enjoy, happy birthday.

72) Turning thirty is the moment when you are old enough to understand life’s bigger responsibilities but young enough to shirk some of them while you still can. Happy 30th.

73) One of the most inspirational ways to usher in your thirtieth, is to face one of your fears and do something that takes away your breath. Happy birthday.

74) Twenty, thirty or forty — how does it matter? As long as you have a positive attitude, life will always keep getting better. Happy 30th birthday.

75) Happy 30th birthday to a special person who I think about all thirty days of the month.Happy 30th birthday

76) You are at that juncture when the experience of your past and the ambition for your future will help you make all the right decisions in your life. Happy 30th birthday.

77) I don’t know what there to be happy about shedding off the last of your youthful years, but what the heck… happy 30th birthday.

78) Don’t tell anyone that you have turned thirty otherwise everyone will start being jealous and hate you for looking so beautifully young — as if you have just turned twenty one. Happy birthday.

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Happy 30th Birthday:Wishes,Quotes and Messages For Your Loved One (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.