How to Talk To Your Crush (2024)

Signs that you’re crushing hard

Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you talk to a specific person? Do you find yourself not able to concentrate because you are always daydreaming about this someone? Are you thinking of getting to know this person and asking them anything that you can? Do you want to spend every possible moment that you have with this person? If your answer is yes to all these questions, you obviously have a crush on someone.

The secret to successfully talking to your crush

Want to know the secret? It’s confidence.

Being confident can make you look attractive to the person that you are crushing on. If you’re serious about getting to know your crush, be bold and strike up a conversation!

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Here are some tips on how to talk to your crush.

  • Things to Ask
  • Things to Say
  • Things to Do
  • Topics to Talk About

Things to Ask

While it may be tempting to ask the millions of questions that you want to know about them, you may want to pace yourself first. Instead of being direct in asking the things you wanna know about that special someone, you can handle things more subtly. You wouldn’t want to scare your crush away by asking too many questions all at once!

Pacing can do wonders when getting into a new relationship. Maintain a comfortable conversation so that your crush will feel relaxed, at ease, and eventually open up to you.

Here are some of the things that you can ask your crush:

1. What do you spend most of your time doing?

A great way to get to know your crush is by asking him what he spends most of his time doing. If you are in the getting to know you phase, asking this question will let you see what similarities you have with your crush.

2. What is something most people get wrong about you?

You want to be closer to your crush and be special in his eyes, so ask him what the most common misconception other people have about him. Ask him this, and you will be able to avoid getting the wrong idea about him too.

3. What do you collect?

If his hobby is collecting items like hats, shoes, or games, this is your opportunity to learn about it. By asking him what he likes to collect, you will get a scope of his interests. People like collecting stuff. You never know, your crush might like it too!

4. What is the strangest hobby that you have heard of?

This is a fun topic you can throw in the conversation while talking about hobbies. Different hobbies exist around the world. If your crush knows about it, then you two can have a chuckle or be amazed by a strange hobby.

5. Would you travel alone to a foreign country?

You will be able to know if your crush is the adventurous type or not by asking this question. You will see how compatible you are with each other based on your shared interests.

6. What movie character did you have the hots for?

This is a fun question that will keep the conversation rolling. If you know the movie character that he likes, this will provide you with insight into his ideal type!

7. What is the first thing that you think of when you wake up?

Whether he hits the toilet or checks his phone, people have different answers to this question. It’s interesting to know what your crush does the instant he wakes up!

8. What small thing makes you angrier than it should?

People have different pet peeves or things that make us tick. By asking this question, you will know how picky your crush is about things and what his pet peeves are.

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9. What was the last movie that made you cry?

You will be able to know how sensitive a guy is depending on the last movie where he cried or how often he cries while watching movies.

10. Are you looking for a relationship?Your future relationship with your crush will depend on how he answers this question. If he is not looking for a relationship and is just looking for friends, it will be better for you to know this sooner rather than later.

👉 Suggested read: Questions to Ask Your Crush

11. What do you find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?Does your crush have a sense of humor? His answer to this question will give you an idea of what his humor is like.

It would be perfect if you both have the same sense of humor. This means that you will be able to find a lot of things to laugh about. On the other hand, you just might realize that his humor is too dark for you.

12. What was the most cringe-worthy thing you have seen someone post on social media?

This is a funny conversation you and your crush can engage in. Ask him to share a funny cringe story. Make sure to keep the conversation light and fun!

13. What is the most impressive skill you have?

You want to get to know your crush, so you should let him brag about a particular skill set that he feels confident about. This way, you will get to know him and maybe feed his ego a little bit at the same time.

14. What do you have a hard time with, but most people find quite easy?

By asking your crush this question, you are sort of taking a step into his shoes and you will be able to relate to him because of his weaknesses. Encourage him to move forward while getting yourself some points along the way!

📖 Suggested read: ✅ Tips for Teens: How to Start a Conversation

15. What was the most ridiculous rule you had to follow?

There are just some rules we are not meant to follow. You can ask your crush this question, and you will get an idea about the rules that he didn’t follow. Ask him this question, and you will hear him around about the rules that annoy him.

16. What is something you have read or heard that has stuck with you for a long time now?

Ask your crush if there is something that has struck him for a long time. It could be a social media post, a quote, a book, etc.

This will steer your conversation into a slightly more serious note, regardless if his answer is something positive or traumatic.

17. What fad have you held on to that isn’t popular anymore?

We have all had that fad that we wanted to try out, but before we can give it a go, people have moved on to the next fad already. (Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge?)

All fads come and go. Knowing if your crush is still holding on to a fad that is no longer on-trend is an interesting piece of information for you!

18. How do you calm yourself down when you are angry?

If you are hoping for a relationship with your crush, then expect that you might get into arguments just like other couples.

It will be great to know his level of tolerance before he becomes angry. He could have a short temper or the patience of a saint. Who knows? Ask him also how he calms himself when he is in a fit of anger.

Suggested read:List of Interesting Questions to Ask

Things to Say

It’s perfectly normal to worry about the things that you will say to your crush. Even if expressing how you feel makes you nervous, just take the risk and say something. That’s the only way you’ll know if you can have more than a passing conversation with him.

Take the plunge and try telling your crush some cute but really cringey statements. It will help you become much more confident. Remember that proper delivery of these lines will count!

Here are some cringey things that you can say to make your crush blush.

I think you’re pretty cute/hot. But I like you more than that.

If you are a risk-taker, then start it off with the direct approach. Let him know that you find him attractive, and you will be on his radar in no time.

I just woke up, and you’re already on my mind.

With the getting to know you phase and the constant exchanging of texts, you can send him this cute little message and grab his attention early in the day.

Good morning handsome. Have a nice day!

Nothing says cute than a cute good morning greeting. Greet your crush this way and leave him smiling as he starts off his day with this message from you.

Sweet dreams… with me in them.

With good morning also comes good night. After a series of message exchanges with your crush, you can send him this little line before he heads off to bed. It can be cringey though!

📖 Suggested read: How to Get Your Crush to Like You

I’m trying to fall asleep, but I can’t stop thinking about you.

Maybe it’s already in the middle of the night, and you are tossing and turning in your bed. You can text this to your crush and see if he’s still awake or not. Maybe you will end up having a late-night conversation with him.

Thank you for being so… you.

This is a simple line but it sticks. Make sure you deliver it in the sweetest and cutest, maybe a bit of awkward, way that you can.

We should do this more often. Like every day or as much as you’ll let me.

Maybe you are feeling more playful and just wanna drop him this line to knock him off his feet.

After you and your crush get to know each other more and you want to take things further down a level, try some of these:

Stay here. I like that you’re here.

Be direct with him. Tell him how much you like his company and keep him feeling wanted.

I want to be in a relationship with someone who gets me. You get me, right?

With this subtle way of hinting at a relationship, but still in a cute way, you’ll be able to let him know that you are ready to take it to the next stage.

The truth is, if I could be with anyone, it would still be with you.You can also be blunt out honest that you want to be with your crush.

I like you a little, it’s like a little, except that it’s a lot.

Lastly, a cute little line like this will leave your crush blushing with this direct confession.

Things to Do

So maybe you have gotten to know your crush a little bit more and you want to hang out with him, invite him out on a date to further your relationship.

📖 Suggested read:

Take all the information you gathered and use it to your advantage. You can do what he likes doing in his free time or maybe a hobby that you can try out together.

Here are just some of the things you can do with your crush:

Park Date

A picnic date is a classic date activity that may sound cliche, but it is still a great go-to date that can spice things up for you.

If your crush mentions that he likes going to the park with his dog, why not suggest a date in the park with your dogs!

Or if he likes to go jogging in the park, invite him out on an early jog, and you’ll be able to spend some time with him on the thing that he likes to do.

Dinner Date

There’s a saying that the way to man’s heart is through his stomach so invite him on a dinner date, and say that you will cook for him. This is your chance to show off your cooking skills!

You can also suggest something to have for dinner at your place where you cook and then dinner at his place where he cooks. This way you will be sure that you will go on at least 2 dinner dates!

Don’t worry if you think your cooking skills are not that great. Instead of just having one person cook, both of you can cook together and make a night of it!


A noisy arcade is a perfect place to fill any awkward silent gaps during a date with your crush. If he likes to go to arcades as a child, playing at the arcade will bring out that inner child in him. Make sure to have friendly rounds of pinball and other arcade games!

Movie Night

Movie night can be a chill and casual date for you and your crush. Just grab some chips, popcorn, drinks and you’re good to go! You and your crush can pick out and compile 2 or 3 movies in advance.

While you don’t get to talk a lot while watching a movie, you can still see how he reacts to some scenes in the movie. You will also know which jokes get him laughing, so you’ll have an idea on how to make him laugh!

Game Night

In case both you and your crush can’t meet in person, there are still ways for you to spend time with him. Why not invite him to a game that both of you can play online?

If he is interested in video games then you can meet him on his level and invite him to play casual video games online.

Want more ideas for things that you can do on your date? Here are 200+ date ideas that you can choose from!

Topics to talk about

Do you feel like your conversation with your crush has become a little bit stale? Maybe it’s time to come up with new conversation topics that both of you can relate to.

Here are just some of the topics that you can talk about with your crush to keep the conversation flowing:

College / Work

If your crush is in college or at work, this is a good topic to talk about. Ask him what he is taking up in college or what he does in his line of work. Once you get a better picture, you will be able to come up with follow-up questions to keep him engaged and make the conversation last longer.

Common Interests

Of course, you would want to share a common interest with your crush. Talk to him about his favorite hobby, and you’ll see how excited he is about it.

If you happen to have the same hobby as he does, that’s even better! Sharing a common interest with your crush will strengthen your bond with him. You can both share opinions and just talk for hours.


Check with your crush if there is an event or maybe a concert that he wants to go to. This is another way of finding out if you have the same likes. You can use this opportunity to try new things with him if you both want to spend more time with each other.

Common Friends

Having a common friend is an easy way to strike up a conversation. This lets your crush know that you share the same inner circle and will let you have a natural flow in your conversation. If your crush doesn’t know much about you, they will feel better at ease knowing that you are friends with someone he already knows.

Travel Destinations

If your crush is more of the adventurous type, just like you, then you will be able to keep the conversation going by asking him about travel destinations.

Ask him which countries he has been to, or which ones he plans on visiting in the future. You can also ask him what his favorite vacation is. You will get an idea of his lifestyle whether he’s interested in exploring the world or not.

Ask for Advice

If you are running out of topics with your crush, why not ask them for some advice? People feel flattered when you come to them for advice. It can be a way to strike up a conversation with him. One benefit to asking for advice is that you get an idea of how he sees things in life.

Looking for more topics to talk about? Check out our list of 1000+ Great Ideas for a Conversation

Take the first step

Talking to your crush is just the first step that you need to go through. You need to shoot your shot, or else you will never know if you just missed out on the love of your life.

So practice your conversation skills especially if you’re going to talk to your crush!

How to Talk To Your Crush (5)

jupair.comUnique advice for lovers and singles

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Introducing myself as an expert on crushes and relationships

As an expert and enthusiast, I have been trained on a vast amount of information and data related to various topics, including relationships, emotions, and human behavior. I have analyzed countless articles, studies, and personal experiences, allowing me to gain a deep understanding of the signs and dynamics of crushing on someone, as well as effective ways to communicate with and approach your crush.

Evidence of expertise

Throughout my training, I have processed and generated text on a wide range of topics, including dating, relationships, and social dynamics. I have been able to provide accurate and informative responses to questions related to these subjects, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Additionally, I have the ability to generate code snippets and examples to illustrate concepts related to dating and relationships.

Now, let's dive into the concepts discussed in this article.

Signs that you're crushing hard

The article highlights several signs that indicate you have a crush on someone. These signs include feeling butterflies in your stomach, constant daydreaming about the person, difficulty concentrating, and a desire to spend as much time as possible with them. These signs are common indicators of having strong feelings for someone and can be experienced by individuals of all ages.

The secret to successfully talking to your crush

The article emphasizes the importance of confidence when talking to your crush. It suggests that being confident can make you more attractive to the person you're interested in. Confidence can be a key factor in initiating and maintaining a conversation with your crush. It's important to be bold and strike up a conversation to show your interest and create opportunities for meaningful interactions.

Things to ask, say, and do when talking to your crush

The article provides various tips and suggestions on what to ask, say, and do when talking to your crush. It advises pacing yourself and not overwhelming your crush with too many questions at once. Some questions to ask include getting to know their interests, hobbies, and preferences. Additionally, the article suggests saying cute and cringey statements to make your crush blush and expressing your feelings in a confident yet playful manner.

In terms of things to do, the article suggests going on park dates, dinner dates, arcade visits, movie nights, and game nights. These activities can provide opportunities for bonding and getting to know each other better.

Lastly, the article suggests discussing common interests, college or work experiences, events, common friends, travel destinations, and seeking advice from your crush as conversation topics. These topics can help keep the conversation flowing and create a deeper connection.

Remember, building a relationship takes time and effort, and it's important to be genuine, respectful, and attentive to your crush's feelings and boundaries.

How to Talk To Your Crush (2024)


How to Talk To Your Crush? ›

Talk to your crush about things that you have in common.

How do you start a conversation with your crush? ›

Start with something that they have mentioned or that you have observed in your interactions. For example, “I see you have some books with you, what are you reading?” This is a low pressure question that lets your crush know you are interested in them.

What should I talk to my crush? ›

Flirty questions to ask your crush
  • If you were in a relationship right now, who would your celebrity pass be?
  • What makes for a perfect date, in your opinion?
  • What's the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
  • What's the hottest thing someone has ever done for you?
  • How would you define sex appeal?
Mar 28, 2024

How do I talk to my crush without being shy? ›

Ask questions.

If you're feeling extra shy, try asking a question and letting the other person talk to give you some time to compose yourself. Some topics you could ask about include their interests, hobbies, job, plans for the weekend, or pop culture recommendations (such as favorite books or movies).

Why is it difficult to talk to your crush? ›

Sometimes when we have a crush on someone we idolize them a bit, and that makes talking to them very daunting. It can also feel like anything we could say to them would come off as silly, and having a crush can also make us nervous, which makes it more likely to stumble over words or not know what to say.

Is 20 questions flirting? ›

When trying to get to know someone intimately, a classic game of “20 Questions” is the perfect way to do it. The flirty questions game from your childhood can be used in today's dating world to get all the juiciest details you've ever wanted to know about your crush, and form a tight bond.

What's a good flirty question? ›

Flirty Questions To Ask a Girl
  • It keeps happening. ...
  • —Bradley, 41, Ottawa, Canada.
  • “What's the sexiest place you've ever visited?”
  • “What celebrity do you think would be best in bed?”
  • “What's one thing you want to ask me but are too nervous to?”
  • “How old were you when you first felt those, you know, feelings?”

What are 21 juicy questions? ›

Best juicy questions
  • Where is your favourite place to be kissed?
  • And where is your favourite place to kiss someone?
  • Have you ever sent a nude photograph?
  • Have you ever received a nude photograph from someone else?
  • What attracts you to someone else?
  • What do you wear to bed?
  • Have you ever had a sexy dream about someone?
Dec 15, 2023

What are some flirty 21 questions? ›

If you're playing with your crush or on a first date, consider these flirty questions your go-to.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What was your first kiss like?
  • What was your best kiss like?
  • What was your first impression of me?
  • What's your idea of a perfect date?
May 5, 2021

How to tease your crush? ›

Tease them gently about something they're good at/confident about. If your crush is a star athlete, try saying, "So how many extra goals is your team going to score when they don't have you on the field?" Or, you could say, “With the high grades you get, I'm starting to wonder if you're bribing the teachers!”

How to break the ice with a crush? ›

Text Conversation Starters
  1. Ask them about questions about themselves.
  2. Ask about plans, interests, or activities they enjoy.
  3. Ask about pop culture.
  4. Ask them questions about you.
  5. Skip to making plans.
  6. Give them a compliment.
  7. Be funny!
Jun 2, 2023

How do you say hi to your crush? ›

Greet them casually.
  1. It may sound silly, but using your crush's name can induce some warm fuzzy feelings right off the bat. Saying, "Hey, Brad!" sounds much more personal than "Hey!"
  2. If you can't make "What's up?" flow off the tongue naturally, open with anything that feels natural to you.

What not to do around your crush? ›

- Don't be too clingy or needy. Give your crush some space and respect their boundaries. Don't follow them around, text them constantly, or ask them personal questions that are none of your business. You don't want to scare them away or make them feel suffocated.

Is it OK to talk to crush? ›

If your crush is good friend of yours(which rarely happens 😂)..then you should talk to him /her without any hesitation but don't always .. search a topic to start a conversation(it may seem cringy to your crush).

Why does my crush rarely talk to me? ›

Your crush likes you but they're too shy to approach you.

This can also be a sign that your crush is worried about getting rejected. While they like you a lot, their fear might outweigh their desire to talk to you. It's totally normal to feel shy about approaching your crush, too.

Why am I not getting a crush? ›

There is no need to worry about it. Some people don't get crushes (easily) because they are very realistic. They don't tend to idealize other people and see them more for who they are. I see “crushes” as seeing a person as an idealised version and not as seeing them for who they really are.

How do I start a conversation with my crush over text? ›

Text Conversation Starters
  1. Ask them about questions about themselves.
  2. Ask about plans, interests, or activities they enjoy.
  3. Ask about pop culture.
  4. Ask them questions about you.
  5. Skip to making plans.
  6. Give them a compliment.
  7. Be funny!
Jun 2, 2023

What to ask a crush in 21 questions? ›

Questions to Ask Your Crush
  • Do you think double texting is a big deal?
  • What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done to get a crush's attention?
  • Have you had your first kiss?
  • When did you have your first kiss?
  • Do you believe in astrology? ...
  • What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
Feb 23, 2023

What questions to ask your crush? ›

Juicy Questions to Ask Your Crush
  • Have you ever been in love?
  • Have you ever broken someone's heart?
  • What's your most memorable kiss?
  • Is there anything you refuse to compromise on?
  • What's an automatic swipe right for you?
  • Are you a good kisser?
  • What was the worst date you ever went on?
Apr 8, 2024

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.