The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (2024)

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Do you love fresh garlic? This is the best raw garlic-olive oil spread or dip. It is super quick and easy to make with only 3 simple ingredients. This delicious and versatile fresh raw garlic-olive oil spread is easily made into a garlic olive oil dip. It packs a powerful punch with the bold, delicious, immune boosting garlic and delightful smooth olive oil flavours. Spread it thick or thin over some fresh sourdough bread spells mouthwatering garlic bread; a perfect quick side.

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (1)

Our family’s favourite ways to eat RAW garlic-olive oil spread.

If we have fresh avocados on hand I’ll mash half an avocado on some sourdough bread spread. Then load on the raw garlic-olive oil and top with a fat, juicy, thick tomato slice fresh from the garden. Mouthwatering and immune boosting!

This spread makes a delightful quick raw garlic bread. Simply spread a thin amount of the garlic-olive oil on top of fresh bread or some toasted sourdough bread. In the winter months this spread makes a lovely easy side to a bowl of pasta or comfort soup. If the raw garlic bread heat is too much for someone, I simply pop it in the oven on broil for a few minutes and it takes the kick out of it.

Other times we like to top our boiled potatoes or freshly cooked beans with this garlic spread and sprinkle a bit of dill or other favourite herb overtop. The heat of the potatoes takes a bit of the punch out of the raw garlic while still keeping the fresh garlic flavour.

Our quickest go to is popping some sourdough bread in the toaster, spreading it with almond butter or sunflower seed butter, then topping it with our RAW garlic-olive oil spread recipe.

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (2)

How we use the Raw Garlic Spread to boost our immune system:

If anyone in our family is feeling rundown or fighting something we’ll just load on a heaping helping of this spread. Delightfully potent! My heat loving husband even adds a bit of cayenne on top to boost the benefits of the raw garlic flavour. He claims they cancel each other out in heat, I’ll let your tastebuds be the judge!


The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (3)
  • Garlic –Raw
  • Olive oil – Organic Extra Virgin Cold Pressed
  • Salt – Himalayan or Celtic or Redmonds
  • Herbs – fresh or dried (optional)

Make sure to check the recipe card below for a full list of ingredients with quantities.

Why RAW garlic?

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (4)

This is our favourite spread! Not only because it is so simple and easy to pull together with its minimalist ingredients list, but for it’s full of fantastic health benefits.

Raw garlic has powerful superfood properties, especially when crushed or chopped which creates a phytochemical called allicin. When you wait up to 10 minutes after crushing the garlic you will get the most bang for your clove form the allicin!

It can help boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and even lower cholesterol levels. Garlic is an “Auntie” to everyone! It is said to be anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antibiotic, did I miss something? Do your own research and you’ll be impressed with raw garlic too!

Not all salt is created equal…

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (5)

Did you know that Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals and trace elements, Celtic contains 82 minerals and trace elements, that your body needs? Similarly Redmond Real salt, harvested locally in Utah, has not been striped of its naturally occurring minerals either. In contrast, table salt, highly processed and bleached, has been striped of many minerals, has additives and isn’t a complete package your body even recognizes. That’s the salt you don’t want too much of or any at all!

I like to make sure I’m using a salt in it’s most natural state, one with all of it’s minerals and trace elements to get all of the nutritional benefits my family needs.

Why the quality of olive oil matters:

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (6)

Like salt, not all oil nor even olive oil for that matter is created equal. Organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil is the highest quality of oil I’ve found. Its gentle mechanical extraction process preserves not only the flavour, but also the nutritional benefits. It is extracted from fresh olives without using any heat.

Olive oil is staple in Mediterranean cuisine and has been revered for its culinary and medicinal properties for centuries. This olive oil is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E, K and polyphenols. These powerful compounds help protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation, inflammation seems to lead to a whole host of issues. The polyphenols are said to even support brain health and cognitive function.

Olive oil is composed of unsaturated fat, the healthy fat that our body needs. Did you know that our plasma membrane mosaic for cell walls contain phospholipids?

Nevertheless, even good oil still needs to be eaten in moderation. With the Mediterranean diet focusing more on fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, some argue that it’s not so much the oil rather the other whole foods that lead to overall health.

Something else to be aware of is olive Oil’s smoke point (but you don’t have to worry with this recipe) which is typically 350⁰ F to 410⁰ F, compared that to extra virgin avocado oil at around 475⁰ F. Once the smoke point is exceeded free radicals are released and nutritional value is lost, as well as flavour of course.

Instructions: How to make fresh raw garlic olive oil spread or dip from scratch.

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (7)

In a small bowl crush one large head of garlic, 6 large cloves. I find using a garlic crusher quickest, but you can finely chop the garlic with a knife too.

Our family’s favourite garlic right now to grow is Red Russian garlic for its strong flavour and large clove size. But any garlic will do! Only you may need to use 2 heads of garlic or more if they are small heads and cloves.

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (8)

Add a pinch or two of real salt of your choice, about 1/8 teaspoon. The amount really is a flavour preference.

You can add dried or fresh herbs of your choice. We often don’t as we enjoy it plain, up to you. Oregano, basil, rosemary or Italian seasoning do add another whole delicious level of flavour to this recipe.

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (9)

Poor olive oil over the freshly crushed garlic until it’s just covering the garlic to make the best spread.

If you’re making this recipe into a raw garlic olive oil dip then simply add more olive oil to the bowl to your liking.

Mix everything together and you’re done!

Now you can enjoy your easy 3-ingredients super simple healthy raw garlic spread however you’re creative tastebuds desire!

Tips: Frequently Asked Questions

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (10)

What can I eat with Raw Garlic Olive Oil Spread?

  • Spread thick or thin to your taste on top of some freshly toasted sourdough bread and you’ve just made yourself some powerfully fantastic fresh raw garlic bread!
  • Perfect for an easy side for quick pasta, pizza or from scratch tomato soup.
  • Heap on top of boiled potatoes with some dill to give a delightful flavour.
  • Cook up some pinto beans from scratch and top with garlic spread to give a lovely zing.
  • Top your pasta and tomato sauce plate with some raw garlic spread for a powerful delight.
  • Dip with our favourite sourdough discard crackers.

The raw garlic-olive oil spread is too strong what do I do?

Simply leave it in the fridge overnight, the next day the heat isn’t as strong. Then top with avocado or tomato to help calm the raw garlic punch and maintain its wonderful nutritional benefits.

If the raw garlic bread heat is too much for someone, simply pop it in the oven on broil for a few minutes and it takes the kick out of it.

How long will it last in the fridge?

Up to two weeks in an airtight container. (If you can resist eating it all in the first few days!)

Tools you may need:

The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (11)

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The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (12)

The BEST Raw Garlic Olive Oil Spread

Yield: 1/2 cup

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

This delicious and versatile fresh raw garlic-olive oil spread can easily be made into a garlic olive oil dip. It packs a powerful punch with the potent, bold, delicious garlic and delightful flavours.


  • 1-2 large heads raw Garlic (12 + large cloves)
  • ¼ c Organic Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil
  • ⅛ tsp Salt - Himalayan, Celtic or Redmonds Real Salt
  • ¼ tsp Herbs - fresh or dried of your choice: oregano, Italian, basil, thyme (optional)


  1. Into a small bowl, using a garlic press crush 1 to 2 large heads of garlic. You can very finely chop the garlic with a knife instead.
  2. Poor the olive oil over the freshly crushed garlic until it's just barely covering the garlic to make the best consistency for the spread. It should be around ¼ cup. (See the Tip below for a garlic-olive oil dip.)
  3. Add ⅛ teaspoon of real salt of your choice to taste.
  4. Optionally, you can top with fresh or dried herbs of your choice. Add ¼ teaspoon of dried oregano, Italian seasoning, basil or thyme are all good options. If you like the herb flavour stronger, simply add more.
  5. Mix everything together and you're ready to enjoy this fantastic fresh raw garlic - olive oil spread.


  • If you're making this recipe into a dip then simply add more olive oil to the bowl.
  • If the garlic spread is too strong simply leave it in the fridge overnight, the next day the heat isn't as powerful. (Be aware that different types of garlic have different strengths of flavour, experiment with different varieties.)
  • After refrigerating the olive oil will thicken turning it into more of a spread.
  • Store in an airtight glass container up to 2 weeks.
  • Get creative with herb combos, but our personal favourite is the 3 ingredients: garlic, salt and olive oil.
  • For an immune boots, heap lots of garlic spread onto a piece of toast with fresh avocado and tomato.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 24Serving Size: 1 teaspoon
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 22kcalTotal Fat: 2.28gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2.28gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 13mgCarbohydrates: 0.5gFiber: 0gSugar: 0gProtein: 0.1g

Make sure to always do your own nutritional research for your own optimal health.

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The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (13)
The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (14)
The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (15)
The BEST Raw Garlic-Olive Oil Spread: Easy 3-Ingredient Recipe (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.