10 Monday Motivation Tricks (2024)

  • July 13, 2022
  • Career Coaching

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    It can be difficult to know how to stay focused and productive at work — especially if it’s Monday. This is why having a list of motivational tips for work and (more specifically) motivation Monday tips can be so helpful.

    Following consistent routines allows us to use our time productively. In turn, this allows us to take breaks. Taking periodic breaks from work can do wonders for your overall productivity and sense of motivation. This is why it is important to know how to ask for time off of work.

    Of course, not everyone can afford to take time off of work. If this is the case, there are lots of other balanced, healthy ways to know how to stay motivated at work. One of these methods is to engage in a daily motivator for work. Or to follow other work motivation tips — which we will cover in this motivation Monday article.

    Overall, work motivation tips and other work motivators can help you achieve a healthy work-life balance while managing both your physical and mental health. So if you’re wondering how to stay focused at work for 8 hours or are interested in learning motivational tips for employees, review our 10 Monday motivation tricks!


    Go to bed early and limit screen time

    It’s important to start your work week feeling well-rested and prepared. Do your best to go to bed early and limit your screen time before bed. To achieve a good night’s rest, limit screen time at least an hour before bed.


    Wake up early

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    If you press snooze too many times, you’ll leave the house feeling rushed and you might not have time to do everything you need to. One way to avoid this is to physically place your phone or alarm clock out of arm’s reach. This way you will have to physically get out of bed to turn it off.

    Routines can feel soothing and help ease us into our days. This is especially important on a Monday; when you are transitioning back into your work week. Design a routine that feels good for you. Some common morning routines include: taking a shower, making your bed, drinking coffee, making breakfast, packing lunch, and taking your dog for a walk.


    Make a schedule

    Maximize your time and productivity by making yourself a schedule. Plan out your tasks for the day and outline

    the rest of your week. Write yourself reminders for deadlines and appointments.


    Write a list of goals for the week

    Set achievable goals for yourself. This will help boost your overall sense of motivation and morale. Try to set several small daily goals and one or two larger goals for the week.


    Engage in physical activity

    Being physically active can help improve your mood and increase the quality of your sleep while helping you stay physically healthy. Some popular physical activities include: running, practicing yoga, working out at the gym, hiking, or taking a walk.


    Stay hydrated and practice healthy eating

    It’s important to drink enough water and stay hydrated, especially if you consume a lot of caffeine. Staying hydrated will help you feel more alert and refreshed while helping to prevent headaches. You should also try your best to practice healthy eating habits.


    Practice self-care

    Ask yourself each week: What self-care practices could I benefit from this week? Likely the answer will change depending on the week. Common self-care practices include: taking a nap, preparing a favorite meal, receiving a massage, getting a manicure or pedicure, spending quality time with friends and family, practicing a hobby, listening to music, attending therapy, and going to a yoga or dance class.

    10 Monday Motivation Tricks (1)


    Take breaks

    Taking short, periodic breaks during your work day will help you stay motivated and on task. Take a quick walk to stretch your legs. Make a cup of coffee. Spend a moment chatting with your coworker.


    Schedule something to look forward to later in the week

    It’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance by having things to look forward to during the week. Try to plan out a fun activity to make your work week pass by more quickly.

    Motivation Monday questions

    It’s important to periodically check in with yourself and reflect on your career and overall lifestyle. Here are some motivation Monday questions to ask yourself:

    • What are your top three priorities right now?
    • How can you encourage yourself to form healthy habits and routines?
    • Do you feel well-rested?
    • What inspires you?
    • What do you wish you had more time for? How can you find the time?
    • What self-care practices could you benefit from this week?
    • What are you thankful for?

    Key takeaways and moving forward

    Work motivators primarily relate to your schedule and routine. Set yourself up for success by forming healthy habits. Go to bed and wake up early. Stay hydrated and practice healthy eating. Make yourself a schedule for the week and do your best to follow it. Set achievable goals for yourself and practice self-care.

    Overall, motivation Monday tips are great ways to stay motivated at work. That said, if you have to consistently ask yourself how do I keep myself motivated at work? take time to reflect on your current job and overall lifestyle.

    Employees who consistently feel stressed and drained may be working in a toxic work environment. If this is the

    10 Monday Motivation Tricks (2)

    5 Signs of a Toxic Work Environment

    Click here to read more

    case, it is important to identify key issues and take active steps to address these issues. This could include scheduling time to speak with a manager or HR representative. Many people also seek outside guidance through counseling and therapy.

    You deserve to have a job where you feel fulfilled, appreciated, and safe. If you do not feel like this is the case, you may want to consider finding a new career or exploring alternative employment opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns about your current or future career, reach out to learn more about our services.

    College Admissions

    10 Monday Motivation Tricks (3)

    Contact a Prepory college admissions coach and start your college admissions journey.

    Our college admissions experts are here to guide you from where you are to where you should be. Through our comprehensive curriculum, individualized coaching, and online workshops, you are set for success as soon as you connect with us.

    During our initial consultation, we will:

    • Assess your student’s applicant profile and higher education goals
    • Provide detailed information about our services and programming
    • Share tips on how to navigate the U.S. college admissions process

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    10 Monday Motivation Tricks (4)

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    Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

    As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or expertise, but I can provide information on various topics. Let's discuss the concepts mentioned in this article.

    Motivation at Work

    The article discusses the importance of staying focused and motivated at work, particularly on Mondays. It suggests several tips for maintaining motivation and productivity throughout the workweek. These tips include:

    1. Go to bed early and limit screen time: Getting enough rest and reducing screen time before bed can help improve sleep quality and overall well-being.
    2. Wake up early: Waking up early allows for a more relaxed start to the day and helps avoid feeling rushed.
    3. Follow a morning routine: Establishing a morning routine can provide structure and help ease the transition into the workweek.
    4. Make a schedule: Creating a schedule and planning tasks for the day and week can maximize productivity and time management.
    5. Write a list of goals for the week: Setting achievable goals boosts motivation and provides a sense of accomplishment.
    6. Engage in physical activity: Regular physical activity can improve mood, sleep quality, and overall physical health.
    7. Stay hydrated and practice healthy eating: Drinking enough water and maintaining a healthy diet contribute to overall well-being and energy levels.
    8. Practice self-care: Engaging in self-care activities, such as taking breaks, napping, or pursuing hobbies, can help reduce stress and maintain motivation.
    9. Take breaks: Taking short breaks during the workday helps prevent burnout and improves focus and productivity.
    10. Schedule something to look forward to: Planning enjoyable activities during the week helps maintain a healthy work-life balance and provides motivation.

    The article also suggests asking oneself reflection questions related to career and lifestyle to maintain motivation and make necessary changes.

    Toxic Work Environments

    The article briefly mentions that employees who consistently feel stressed and drained may be working in a toxic work environment. It suggests identifying key issues and taking active steps to address them, such as speaking with a manager or seeking outside guidance through counseling or therapy. It also mentions the possibility of considering a new career or exploring alternative employment opportunities if the current job does not provide fulfillment, appreciation, or a sense of safety.

    Additional Resources

    If you have further questions or concerns about your career, the article suggests reaching out to career coaching services for guidance and support.

    Please note that the information provided above is based on the content of this article.

    10 Monday Motivation Tricks (2024)


    How do you motivate yourself on Monday? ›

    10 Monday Motivation Tricks
    1. Go to bed early and limit screen time.
    2. Wake up early.
    3. Follow a morning routine.
    4. Make a schedule.
    5. Write a list of goals for the week.
    6. Engage in physical activity.
    7. Stay hydrated and practice healthy eating.
    8. Practice self-care.
    Jul 13, 2022

    What motivates you on Mondays? ›

    Consider going for a jog or hitting the gym before work on Monday morning. Listen to Motivational Music: Listening to upbeat and motivational music can help you feel more energized and focused. Consider creating a Monday morning playlist that gets you pumped up and ready to tackle the day.

    What to post on a Monday morning? ›

    Jump to a section ✨
    • Share a meme related to your niche to kickstart the week.
    • Share something you've done recently that you're proud of.
    • Share a recipe for a go-to dish you've been making recently.
    • Share a roundup post of things you got up to over the weekend.

    How do you get going on a Monday morning? ›

    6 Tips to for Monday Morning Motivation
    1. Set Specific, Achievable Goals. Setting specific, achievable goals on a Monday morning can help to give you a sense of purpose and direction for the week. ...
    2. Get Organised. ...
    3. Get a Good Night's Sleep. ...
    4. Exercise. ...
    5. Start Your Monday With a Healthy Breakfast. ...
    6. Find Ways to Enjoy Your Work.
    Dec 20, 2022

    How do you power through Monday? ›

    Instead of tackling the biggest and most complicated tasks early on Monday, take some time for easier, more routine stuff, Kjerulf says. “This might get you up and running and give you the energy for the hairier tasks.” But beware: If you have too much free time—you'll sit around “feeling blue,” Shane says.

    Why am I so unmotivated on Mondays? ›

    Many people experience these feelings at the start of the workweek and it can really put a damper on motivation going into the week. Mondays can be challenging, as they often involve adjusting sleep schedules, switching from leisure activities to work tasks, and mentally preparing for the week's responsibilities.

    How can I make my Monday awesome? ›

    How can I make Mondays more productive?
    1. Plan ahead. Plan out your week on Sunday and make some goals for yourself. ...
    2. Get a good night's sleep. As a result, you will feel refreshed and ready to take on the day when you wake up.
    3. Eat a healthy breakfast. ...
    4. Set realistic goals. ...
    5. Take breaks. ...
    6. Delegate tasks. ...
    7. Reward yourself.
    Sep 18, 2023

    What's a good Monday quote? ›

    • Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year! – ...
    • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – ...
    • If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one! — ...
    • The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. –
    Apr 28, 2022

    What are 5 positive quotes? ›

    Positive Quotes on Life and its Various Aspects to Keep in Mind
    • "Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out." - ...
    • "Success is not the key to happiness. ...
    • "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - ...
    • "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." -
    Aug 7, 2023

    How do you cheer up on Monday morning? ›

    Here are 11 ways to beat (or avoid) the dreaded Monday Blues:
    1. Identify the problem. ...
    2. Prepare for Monday on Friday. ...
    3. Make a list of the things you're excited about. ...
    4. Unplug for the weekend. ...
    5. Get enough sleep and wake up early. ...
    6. Dress for success. ...
    7. Be positive. ...
    8. Make someone else happy.
    Feb 25, 2013

    What can I say instead of "Happy Monday"? ›

    “Happy Monday” Alternatives From The Dictionary.com Staff
    • “Here we are again.” —Mariel J., Research Editor. ...
    • “You don't hate Mondays. You hate your job.” ...
    • “Monday peaked in the '80s.” —Jay L., Director of Strategy and Analytics. ...
    • “The week's welcome mat” ...
    • “Buckle up!” ...
    • “Let's get this bread.” ...
    • [nothing] ...
    • “Happy Monday!”
    Jul 26, 2022

    How can I feel happy on Monday? ›

    Fuel your happiness with anticipation

    If Mondays are a struggle, schedule some things on your weekly calendar that you look forward to with anticipation, like a special date night or a fun family outing. Buy a new book you are excited to devour. Plan a call with a friend you haven't talked to in ages.

    What is the Monday syndrome? ›

    Monday syndrome refers to fatigue, dizziness, chest tightness, abdominal. distension, loss of appetite, body ache, inattention and other symptoms when. working on Monday. People focus on work and study from Monday to Friday that.

    How to stop Monday blues? ›

    Ways we can all try to beat or avoid the dreaded Monday Morning Blues.
    1. Identify the problem. ...
    2. Prepare for Monday on Friday. ...
    3. Make a list of the things you're excited about. ...
    4. Unplug for the weekend. ...
    5. Get enough sleep and wake up early. ...
    6. Dress for success. ...
    7. Be positive. ...
    8. Make someone else happy.
    Oct 24, 2022

    How do I control my Monday morning anxiety? ›

    Ways to beat the Monday blues
    1. Journaling: Spending a few minutes writing out your anxieties about the week ahead may help to put them in perspective. ...
    2. Meditation: When your anxious or sad thoughts feel overwhelming, meditation can be a great way to give yourself a mental break.
    Nov 23, 2022

    Is Monday morning a good day to post? ›

    Best times to post on social media: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Best days to post on social media: Monday and Wednesday. Worst days to post on social media: Saturday and Sunday.

    Is Monday morning a good time to post? ›

    The best time to post on Instagram on Mondays is in the morning when most users wake up between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., with two more (albeit smaller) peaks at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

    When should I post on social media Monday? ›

    The overall best time to post on social media is between 9 a.m. and noon on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. We came to this conclusion by reviewing several high-profile studies that tracked engagement of social media posts from various platforms.

    When should I post a story on Monday? ›

    The best time to post on Instagram on Monday is from 11 AM to 1 PM. A consistent engagement starts at morning 8 AM and remains till 8 PM. Instagrammers usage gradually drops after that and is observed lowest from 11 PM to 6 AM.

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    Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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    Views: 5841

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    Author information

    Name: Pres. Carey Rath

    Birthday: 1997-03-06

    Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

    Phone: +18682428114917

    Job: National Technology Representative

    Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.