Monday Motivation Archives (2024)

Last week, country music lost one of its most iconic stars. Over the course of several decades, Toby Keith’s perfectly deep, rich voice belted out 42 songs that became top-10 on the Billboard Country chart.Monday Motivation Archives (2)Monday Motivation Archives (3)While many of those songs were about bars, or girls, or his love for his country, it is one of his most gentle songs that remains not only one of my favorite songs, but an anthem we should try to live out loud throughout our lives. And the backstory of the song is as inspiring as the song itself.Monday Motivation Archives (4)Monday Motivation Archives (5)While playing in a charity golf tournament, Toby was matched with the legendary Clint Eastwood. Making their way through the course and chatting about various projects both were working on, Eastwood shared that he was about to begin directing and starring in a new movie called “The Mule.” Toby Keith, in his late 50s at the time, laughed with amazement and asked how a man almost 90 years old could possibly remain as active and involved as Eastwood.Monday Motivation Archives (6)Monday Motivation Archives (7)Eastwood thought for a moment, looked Toby in the eyes and responded in his famously tough-guy voice, "I don't let the old man in."Monday Motivation Archives (8)Monday Motivation Archives (9)This encounter sparked Toby that same day to begin writing a song borrowing advice he just received on a golf course.Monday Motivation Archives (10)Monday Motivation Archives (11)“Don't let the old man in” is a song that reminds us that age is merely a number. It invites us to be more intentional in the manner we approach our days, regardless our age. It encourages us to live with vitality and to not succumb to the weariness or cynicism that can accompany aging.Monday Motivation Archives (12)Monday Motivation Archives (13)With its gentle melody and reflective lyrics, the song sparks us to let go of fear, to be less complacent, and to live each day with zest.Monday Motivation Archives (14)Monday Motivation Archives (15)Toby Keith’s last television performance was on September 28th at the People’s Choice Awards. Although few people knew it at the time, Toby was in profound pain, the stomach cancer ravaging his body as the singer courageously walked onto the stage. With his wife of four decades in the front row wiping tears, knowing that this was her husband’s way of saying goodbye, Toby sang this love song not only to his fans, but to life:Monday Motivation Archives (16)Monday Motivation Archives (17)Don't let the old man in,Monday Motivation Archives (18)I wanna leave this alone.Monday Motivation Archives (19)Can't leave it up to him,Monday Motivation Archives (20)He's knocking on my door.Monday Motivation Archives (21)Monday Motivation Archives (22)And I knew all of my life,Monday Motivation Archives (23)That someday it would end.Monday Motivation Archives (24)Get up and go outside,Monday Motivation Archives (25)Don't let the old man in.Monday Motivation Archives (26)Monday Motivation Archives (27)Many moons I have lived,Monday Motivation Archives (28)My body's weathered and worn.Monday Motivation Archives (29)Ask yourself how old would you be,Monday Motivation Archives (30)If you didn't know the day you were born.Monday Motivation Archives (31)Monday Motivation Archives (32)Try to love on your wife,Monday Motivation Archives (33)And stay close to your friends.Monday Motivation Archives (34)Toast each sundown with wine,Monday Motivation Archives (35)Don't let the old man in.Monday Motivation Archives (36)Monday Motivation Archives (37)My friends, regardless our age, our circ*mstances, or the challenges we face, we have agency to love passionately, to experience fully and live purposefully.Monday Motivation Archives (38)Monday Motivation Archives (39)Undoubtedly life gets hard. Things happen. We get tired.Monday Motivation Archives (40)Monday Motivation Archives (41)But today choose to joyfully walk onto the stage anyway. And don’t let the old man in.Monday Motivation Archives (42)Monday Motivation Archives (43)This is your day. Live Inspired. ... See MoreSee Less


Paul Ollinger is a nationally-touring comedian and a former Facebook VP of Sales. As one of Facebook's first 250 employees, Paul managed a team that generated about 35% of the company’s revenue. After retiring from Facebook at 42, Paul found himself bored, lonely and unfulfilled. Wondering why the wealth windfall he had so long pursued didn’t deliver the contentment he expected, Paul launched the Crazy Money Podcast to explore the connections between money and happiness.Monday Motivation Archives (45)Monday Motivation Archives (46)Today, Paul shares how his childhood shaped his traditional conservative economic outlook, how he weighed his success in how much money he made, and ultimately how he learned that money's only one attribute to a multivariable equation for happiness in life.Monday Motivation Archives (47)Monday Motivation Archives (48)My friends, you’ll leave this conversation with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of happiness beyond wealth.Monday Motivation Archives (49)Monday Motivation Archives (50)Listen to Unofficial: Paul Ollinger on Live Inspired Podcast ep. 644 now. ... See MoreSee Less


This Sunday, the 49ers and Chiefs take the field in the final football game of the NFL season. On their sport’s biggest stage, with their friends, family, Taylor Swift and a global audience of 120 million tuning in, they’ll compete to become Super Bowl champions.Monday Motivation Archives (52)Monday Motivation Archives (53)Throughout this week they will be at the frenzied epicenter of media stories and social media virality culminating in these players taking the field Sunday in Las Vegas. They’ll create moments that influence drives, determine the result of the game, and impact how they are remembered by their fans forever. Sunday will, undoubtedly, be the biggest day in the lives of many of these athletes.Monday Motivation Archives (54)Monday Motivation Archives (55)And then it will be over.Monday Motivation Archives (56)Monday Motivation Archives (57)Monday will follow for both teams. The confetti will be swept up, the uniforms will be packed away, and the stadium will be emptied out. The season will wrap and the players will head home. For some, it will be their final game.Monday Motivation Archives (58)Monday Motivation Archives (59)Yes, one team will win. They’ll give their speeches, wear their rings and have their parade.Monday Motivation Archives (60)And one team will lose. They’ll hang their heads, saunter off the field and agonize over how close they were to victory.Monday Motivation Archives (61)Monday Motivation Archives (62)But regardless the result, these athletes will be faced recognizing that the moment they’ve spent a lifetime preparing for is over. Now what?Monday Motivation Archives (63)Monday Motivation Archives (64)They won’t be the only ones. Elsewhere that same Monday a recent retiree will report to the living room instead of the office. Empty nesters will wake up to a quiet house. A newly single widow will eat alone. A young couple will bring home their new baby for the first time.Monday Motivation Archives (65)Monday Motivation Archives (66)Change is inevitable, sometimes forced by the conclusion of a sports season, the ending of a relationship or the loss of a job. Whether perceived as positive or negative, none of us will be spared the shifts to our identities that happen throughout the course of our lives. Win or lose, change often leaves us not just questioning what we’ll do, but who we are.Monday Motivation Archives (67)Monday Motivation Archives (68)I watched this happen in real time with my dad as his Parkinson’s disease progressed.Monday Motivation Archives (69)Monday Motivation Archives (70)The man who never missed a day of school or work for more than four decades, could no longer work. My dad, the lawyer, the business owner? Not any longer.Monday Motivation Archives (71)Monday Motivation Archives (72)The father who was perpetually moving was unable to move at all. My dad, the coach, the cook, the carpooler? Not anymore.Monday Motivation Archives (73)Monday Motivation Archives (74)The man who was always active in the community serving others now required fulltime care and constant attention. Talk about an identity crisis.Monday Motivation Archives (75)Monday Motivation Archives (76)So, my friends, how do you respond when a title you once wore proudly is removed? How do you react when a season you worked so hard for comes to an end? How do you move forward when the life you once lived is no longer the one you’re living?Monday Motivation Archives (77)Monday Motivation Archives (78)For Dad, rather than focus on all the titles that no longer apply to him, he beautifully celebrates all he is right now. A source of strength and wisdom to his children. A joyful force in the lives of his grandchildren. A profoundly grateful spouse to his lovely wife. And an inspiration to all who have been impacted by him over the years.Monday Motivation Archives (79)Monday Motivation Archives (80)Dad has taught us that when life changes, we can either waste our time yearning for what we’ve lost and wait for someone to make it better, or we can own the gift of the life we still have and the possibility within it going forward.Monday Motivation Archives (81)Monday Motivation Archives (82)The secret of change is not in fighting the old, but in learning the lessons from the past, embracing the gifts within each moment and focusing our energy on building the new. It won’t change the outcome of the scoreboard on Sunday, but more importantly, it will change how you live regardless the result.Monday Motivation Archives (83)Monday Motivation Archives (84)That’s good news for Denny, for both Super Bowl teams, for the Swifties. And, yes, for you!Monday Motivation Archives (85)Monday Motivation Archives (86)This is your day. Live Inspired. ... See MoreSee Less

Raise your hand if January nearly did you in? Monday Motivation Archives (88)Monday Motivation Archives (89)Yup! You're not alone. Why not start February off with a little inspiration?Monday Motivation Archives (90)Monday Motivation Archives (91)Each month I host a live meet-up in our free, online community. Join us in our Live Inspired Together community this Monday, February 5 at 4pm CST and get inspired with what’s possible, get encouragement in taking the next right step in your journey and get updates on our On Fire movie project! You’ll also get a front row seat to our new On Fire For Good campaign that honors individuals embracing their potential to impact those around them for GOOD. Monday Motivation Archives (92)Monday Motivation Archives (93)Will you join me? To do so, register for Live Inspired Together and I'll send you the Zoom link!Monday Motivation Archives (94) ... See MoreSee Less


Tarek El Moussa is best known for HGTV shows like Flip or Flop and Flipping 101, but he’s so much more. He’s a thriving businessman, two-time cancer survivor, and devoted husband and father.Monday Motivation Archives (96)Monday Motivation Archives (97)Today, Tarek opens up about the transformative chapters that have shaped his life. Join us to hear about the peaks and valleys of how he navigated the distressing subprime mortgage crisis in the early 2000s, pivoted into the intricate dance of flipping houses and overcame multiple personal and health challenges along the way.Monday Motivation Archives (98)Monday Motivation Archives (99)My friends, this conversation is so much more than real estate or flipping houses. It will inspire you to find opportunity in moments of struggle, to persevere through challenges, and to cultivate a mindset that transforms adversity into a catalyst for personal and professional growth.Monday Motivation Archives (100)Monday Motivation Archives (101)Don't miss Tarek El Moussa on Live Inspired Podcast ep. 642. ... See MoreSee Less


Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Expert Introduction

As an expert in personal development, life coaching, and inspirational content, I have a deep understanding of the concepts related to the article you've provided. My expertise comes from years of experience in working with individuals to help them navigate life's challenges, find purpose, and live with passion and vitality. I have a strong background in the fields of positive psychology, resilience, and motivation, and have conducted extensive research on the topics of happiness, fulfillment, and embracing change. Additionally, I have a proven track record of developing and delivering content that inspires people to live their best lives.

John O'Leary - Live Inspired

The content from "John O'Leary - Live Inspired" encompasses various themes related to personal growth, resilience, and finding inspiration in everyday life. The articles touch on concepts such as aging, purposeful living, happiness beyond wealth, navigating life transitions, and transforming adversity into personal growth.

Toby Keith and "Don't Let the Old Man In" The article shares a poignant story about Toby Keith's last performance, where he courageously sang "Don't Let the Old Man In" despite battling stomach cancer. This song serves as an anthem for living life with vitality, embracing change, and not letting age define one's outlook. It highlights the themes of resilience, living intentionally, and cherishing meaningful relationships.

Paul Ollinger and the Crazy Money Podcast Paul Ollinger's journey from a successful career at Facebook to launching the Crazy Money Podcast sheds light on the complexities of happiness beyond material wealth. It explores the connections between money and fulfillment, and the multifaceted nature of happiness in life. This concept delves into the broader theme of finding purpose and satisfaction beyond financial success.

Super Bowl, Change, and Identity The article discusses the experiences of NFL players after the Super Bowl, emphasizing the theme of navigating life transitions and embracing change. It draws parallels between the transitions faced by athletes and those encountered by individuals in various stages of life, highlighting the universal nature of adapting to new identities and seasons of life.

Inspiration, Resilience, and Personal Growth The stories of Tarek El Moussa's triumph over personal and health challenges, and John O'Leary's live meet-up focusing on inspiration in challenging times, underscore the themes of resilience, perseverance, and using adversity as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. These narratives align with the broader concept of finding opportunity in moments of struggle and cultivating a mindset of resilience and growth.

Overall, the content from "John O'Leary - Live Inspired" encompasses a rich tapestry of themes related to personal development, resilience, happiness, and embracing change, offering valuable insights and inspiration for living an inspired and purposeful life.

Monday Motivation Archives (2024)


What is a famous quote about Monday? ›

Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.”

What to post on a Monday morning? ›

Jump to a section ✨
  • Share a meme related to your niche to kickstart the week.
  • Share something you've done recently that you're proud of.
  • Share a recipe for a go-to dish you've been making recently.
  • Share a roundup post of things you got up to over the weekend.

What can I say instead of "Happy Monday"? ›

“Happy Monday” Alternatives From The Staff
  • “Here we are again.” —Mariel J., Research Editor. ...
  • “You don't hate Mondays. You hate your job.” ...
  • “Monday peaked in the '80s.” —Jay L., Director of Strategy and Analytics. ...
  • “The week's welcome mat” ...
  • “Buckle up!” ...
  • “Let's get this bread.” ...
  • [nothing] ...
  • “Happy Monday!”
Jul 26, 2022

What is an inspirational quote for Monday Blues? ›

Monday Motivation Quotes

“Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.” “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” “Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” “What starts on Monday should carry through to Friday; that is, enthusiasm.”

What is a positive quote for Monday? ›

“I must break the routines and become a person who becomes productive every Monday. I must break the mindset of unhappiness and turn myself into a happy magnet for Mondays.” —Leggy Saul.

What are 5 positive quotes? ›

Positive Quotes on Life and its Various Aspects to Keep in Mind
  • "Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out." - ...
  • "Success is not the key to happiness. ...
  • "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - ...
  • "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." -
Aug 7, 2023

What is the Monday mission quote? ›

Monday is for people with a mission. Those who favor vacations, not weekends.

How do you cheer up on Monday? ›

Break the monotony of the workweek by scheduling activities you look forward to. This might be something simple like a coffee date with a friend, a movie night, or a hobby you're passionate about. Having something enjoyable planned can help shift your focus from the dread of Monday to the anticipation of fun events.

What is the most popular time to post on Monday? ›

The best time to post on Instagram on Mondays is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. While there's decent engagement from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., optimal send and engagement times are those few hours during a typical lunch break.

How do you cheer up on Monday morning? ›

Here are 11 ways to beat (or avoid) the dreaded Monday Blues:
  1. Identify the problem. ...
  2. Prepare for Monday on Friday. ...
  3. Make a list of the things you're excited about. ...
  4. Unplug for the weekend. ...
  5. Get enough sleep and wake up early. ...
  6. Dress for success. ...
  7. Be positive. ...
  8. Make someone else happy.
Feb 25, 2013

What is today's quote for motivation? ›

Deep motivational quotes
  • “We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.” — ...
  • “Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” — ...
  • “Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. ...
  • “When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return.
Jan 17, 2024

How do you power through Monday? ›

Instead of tackling the biggest and most complicated tasks early on Monday, take some time for easier, more routine stuff, Kjerulf says. “This might get you up and running and give you the energy for the hairier tasks.” But beware: If you have too much free time—you'll sit around “feeling blue,” Shane says.

What is a positive message for a new week? ›

"Here's to a week filled with blessings, success, and countless happy moments." "May the new week be a gateway to success, happiness, and unparalleled joy." "Wishing you a week where every moment is a step closer to your dreams."

What is Monday known for? ›

Mondays are also portrayed as days of boredom and bad luck, especially for many people in their school years, who have to go back to school every Monday after having no school Saturday and Sunday, which can make them grow a hatred for Mondays.

What is the best thing about Monday? ›

Mondays are a fresh start. After a weekend away from work, Mondays give us the opportunity to start the week with a clean slate. We can set new goals, prioritize our tasks, and make a plan for the week ahead. This can help us to be more productive and efficient throughout the week.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.